Seniors Housing Business

FEB-MAR 2015

Seniors Housing Business is the magazine that helps you navigate the evolution of the seniors housing industry.

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6 Seniors Housing Business n February-March 2015 Editor's Letter All roads lead back to GE Capital in the seniors housing industry, or so it seems. Brian Beckwith, CEO of Forma- tion Capital and the subject of our SHB interview this month, reminded me that it's a small world in which seniors housing professionals operate. Prior to joining Formation Capital, Beckwith led the lending and investing efforts for healthcare real estate and seniors housing for GE Capital. Many of his former colleagues at GE Capital have migrated to the REITs. The chief invest- ment offcer at HCP is Paul Gallagher who used to be with GE Capital. John Cobb, chief investment offcer at Ventas, previously worked at GE Capital. Several industry professionals at Health Care REIT are for- mer employees of GE Capital. It's like playing that parlour game, Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon. For more on Formation Capital's post-acute investment strategy, please turn to page 62. On a different note, we're happy to report that our inaugural Inter- Face Seniors Housing West conference — which took place Feb. 26 at the Omni Hotel in Los Angeles — was a big success with more than 250 attendees. Margaret Wylde, president and CEO of research and advisory frm ProMatura Group, delivered the keynote speech. For exclusive coverage of the event, please turn to page 26. In February, we launched our website, www.seniorshousingbusiness. com, and weekly e-newsletter to augment our print coverage. If your company has news that it wants to disseminate regarding development projects, lending transactions, property sales, new hires and more please send it to us. The site also includes a variety of feature articles and com- mentary by industry experts. You can let me know how we're doing by e-mailing me at It's a small world after all H O U S I N G B U S I N E S S ® SENIORS Seniors Housing Business® (ISSN 2168-9199) is published six times per year by France Publica- tions, Inc., d/b/a France Media, Inc. Editorial and advertising ofces are located at Two Securi- ties Centre, 3500 Piedmont Rd., Suite 415, Atlanta, GA 30305. Telephone 404-832-8262. E-mail Postage paid at Atlanta, GA, and additional mailing ofces. POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to Seniors Housing Business, P.O. Box 47065, Plymouth, MN 55447-0065. ©2015 France Publications, Inc. Seniors Housing Business® is a registered trademark of France Publications, Inc. Subscription rates: USA 1-year $78; 2-years $112. Single copies are $15. The opinions and statements made by authors, contributors and advertisers to Seniors Housing Business are not necessarily those of the editors and publishers. To photocopy items from Seniors Housing Business or to get PDFs and reprints of articles or news items, please visit for our automated permissions system. For reprints, please contact Barbara Sherer, manager of special advertising at 630-553-9037. For subscriber services, please call 1-800-869-6882 or write to: SENIORS HOUSING BUSINESS Customer Service Department P.O. Box 47065 Plymouth, MN 55447-0065; e-mail: Or visit President and CEO Jerrold France Executive Vice President Scott France Chief Financial Ofcer Michael F. Jacobs Publisher Richard Kelley (914) 468-0818 Associate Publisher Mark Aden (404) 832-8262 Media Advisor Eric Goldberg (404) 832-8262 Layout Editor Robin Sherman Editor Matt Valley (404) 832-8262 Managing Editor Jef Shaw Contributing Editors Matt Hudgins John Nelson Contributing Writers Jane Adler Bendix Anderson Nellie Day Vice President, Circulation Director Tammy Orr Senior Vice President, Editorial & Operations Randall Shearin Published by France Media, Inc. Febrruary / March 2015 Matt Valley

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