Seniors Housing Business

FEB-MAR 2015

Seniors Housing Business is the magazine that helps you navigate the evolution of the seniors housing industry.

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Page 12 of 71

Real Estate Advisors Our partners know: We do what we say and we say what we do. We approach each opportunity with I N T E G R I T Y , creativity, transparency and professionalism. Our experience in every aspect of senior housing equips us with the K N O W L E D G E needed to understand challenges faced by owners, developers and property managers. Our expertise, reputation for quick response, firm commitment, and timely execution makes our R E L A T I O N S H I P S with our joint venture partners successful, enabling us to provide value and results to our investors. To find out more, contact David Selznick or Max Newland at 561.300.6200. W W W . K A Y N E C A P I T A L . C O M

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